Weeks Played |
1 of 22 (.045) |
9th |
68th |
207th |
Total Points |
4 |
8th |
64th |
196th |
Total Wins |
3 of 4 (.750)
8th |
64th |
190th |
Doubles Cricket | 1 of 1 (1.000) | 8th | 64th | 179th |
Doubles 501 | 1 of 1 (1.000) | 8th | 66th | 183rd |
Cricket Singles | 1 of 1 (1.000) | 8th | 59th | 170th |
501 | 0 of 1 (0.000) | 7th | 65th | 203rd |
November 24, 2015 |
Total ASP's | | 100 | | |
All Games | 3 Wins | 3 Wins | 1 Loss | |
Doubles Cricket | 1 Win | 1 Win | N/A | |
Doubles 501 | 1 Win | 1 Win | N/A | |
Cricket Singles | 1 Win | 1 Win | N/A | |
501 | 1 Loss | N/A | 1 Loss | |
Doubles Cricket |
November 24, 2015 | W | @ FITZIES SOUTH | Ken Mosher + Alan Dagistino SUB | Jack Granata + Rich Helbig Jr. |
Doubles 501 |
November 24, 2015 | W | @ FITZIES SOUTH | Ken Mosher + Alan Dagistino SUB | Mike Winzinger + Rich Helbig Jr. |
Cricket Singles |
November 24, 2015 | W | @ FITZIES SOUTH | Alan Dagistino SUB | Rich Buckenberger |
501 |
November 24, 2015 | L | @ FITZIES SOUTH | Alan Dagistino SUB | Rich Helbig Jr. |
Show historic games against:
Show historic games against next opponents:
Doubles Cricket |
Doubles 501 |
There are no penalties or bonuses for this player.
Award |
Name |
Place |
Description |
Week/Date |
 | Top All-Star for Week | 1st | Weekly top 3 ASP's per division. | Week 11 |