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 Player Information

Name of Player Current Team Current Division Current Point Total Current Season
Tasha Fascaina Who Darted B Division 3

 Player Statistics

Category Percentage Overall Team Overall Division Overall League
Weeks Played 10 of 13 (.769) 4th 36th 58th
Total Points 3 6th 52nd 86th
Total Wins 3 of 23 (.130) 6th 52nd 86th
Total All Stars 0 4th 26th 50th
Doubles 4011 of 6 (.167)5th45th77th
Doubles Cricket1 of 6 (.167)5th45th77th
Singles 5012 of 5 (0.000)5th49th82nd
SC_old1 of 5 (0.000)7th52nd84th
10010 of 0 (.000)1st17th17th
701-old0 of 0 (.000)1st1st35th

 All Stars Summary

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    
There have been no all stars recorded for this player.


  Current Streak Best Streak Worst Streak  
All Games14 Losses1 Win14 Losses 
Doubles 4014 Losses1 Win4 Losses 
Doubles Cricket4 Losses1 Win4 Losses 
Singles 5015 LossesN/A5 Losses 
SC_old5 LossesN/A5 Losses 

 Match Details & Results

Doubles 401

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
November 6, 2012L@ Tavern TonsChris Roberts + Tasha Fascaina Brent Hurst + Chris Stone
October 9, 2012L Steel CityTasha Fascaina + Jessica Dill Tony Lyda + Matt Parks
October 2, 2012L@ Rusty NailsTasha Fascaina + Chris Roberts Jason Spencer + 'Patches' .
September 25, 2012L Apple ShotsChris Roberts + Tasha Fascaina Bill Larimore + Rhonda Larimore
September 18, 2012W@ Projectile DysfunctionJessica Dill + Tasha Fascaina Jon Gilbert + Rick Davis
August 21, 2012L Tavern TonsTasha Fascaina + Marlon Moo Young Zach Hurst + Charlie Merrill

Doubles Cricket

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
October 30, 2012L Rusty NailsTasha Fascaina + Jessica Dill Chris Nevin + Max Waldner
September 25, 2012L Apple ShotsChris Roberts + Tasha Fascaina Bill Larimore + Erik Swanson
September 18, 2012L@ Projectile DysfunctionChris Roberts + Tasha Fascaina Todd Bryson + Jon Gilbert
September 4, 2012L The MatersTasha Fascaina + Jessica Dill Jeff Quinn + Matt Scroggs
August 28, 2012W@ Safety CommitteeTasha Fascaina + Jessica Dill Sara Disher + Kelly Johnson
August 21, 2012L Tavern TonsTasha Fascaina + Ollie Peele Sub TT + Charlie Merrill

Singles 501

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
October 9, 2012L Steel CityTasha FascainaChelsea Blevins
September 25, 2012L Apple ShotsTasha FascainaRhonda Larimore
September 18, 2012L@ Projectile DysfunctionTasha FascainaJudy Debos
August 28, 2012L@ Safety CommitteeTasha FascainaBrian Capps
August 21, 2012L Tavern TonsTasha FascainaZach Hurst


Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
October 16, 2012L@ Ton of TroubleTasha FascainaChris Miller
October 9, 2012L Steel CityTasha FascainaTony Lyda
September 25, 2012L Apple ShotsTasha FascainaErik Swanson
September 18, 2012L@ Projectile DysfunctionTasha FascainaRick Davis
August 21, 2012L Tavern TonsTasha FascainaSub TT

 Historic Match-ups

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 Team Mates

Doubles 401

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Jessica Dill .500 2 1 1
Chris Roberts 0.000 3 0 3
Marlon Moo Young 0.000 1 0 1

Doubles Cricket

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Jessica Dill .333 3 1 2
Chris Roberts 0.000 2 0 2
Ollie Peele 0.000 1 0 1
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