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Team W14W13W12W11W10W9W8W7W6W5W4W3W2W1 Win-Loss WLT TCRKT301601 Last 5 Average Points
VFW Methuen A/C Wire Thrashers5-67-48-37-45-66-5 6-58-34-78-35-69-2 99-698-4-023-1338-3417-7LWWWL.58978
British Club Bad Intentions5-6 6-510-16-56-55-63-8 5-67-46-59-29-282-678-4-021-1541-3115-9LLLWW.55077
Sargent Club Honey Badgers6-58-3 6-56-55-69-25-66-5 5-68-32-96-596-748-4-021-1537-3514-10WLWWW.56572
Claddagh Pub Bulls Deep6-56-44-7 5-65-64-78-36-57-4 3-82-99-265-666-6-019-1738-338-16WWLLL.49665
Rocky Club - Fossils6-54-77-45-6 7-46-56-53-84-76-5 9-22-968-797-5-016-2036-3613-11LLWLW.46365
Portuguese American Club Stingers5-63-85-64-76-5 7-45-65-66-53-87-4 2-958-744-8-014-2235-379-15LLLLW.43958
Relief's In Fuzzy Navels 4-63-81-105-64-72-9 5-67-44-74-72-95-646-851-11-012-2426-458-16LLLLL.35146


 Player of The Week - A1 Division
   Calculations have not been made.
 Player of The Week - A2 Division
   Calculations have not been made.

 Final's Night 2 All Stars
There were no all stars found for this week