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 Match Result

Away Team Total Wins Total Wins Home Team
Wicket Dart Juicers 6 6 Darts of Hazzard

 Match Breakdown

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Doubles 501

Away Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Home Lineup and Pairings
Omer S +Cansin SLWMatt Amaral +Mack Temple
Matthew Brookes +Randy Smith WLKevin Imrie +Elish Tait
Allan Gosyne +Yagmur Ozcan LWJenny Firlotte +Rob McBain

Doubles Cricket

Away Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Home Lineup and Pairings
Matthew Brookes +Omer SWLMatt Amaral +Elish Tait
Randy Smith +Allan GosyneLWMack Temple +Jenny Firlotte
Yagmur Ozcan +Cansin SWLKevin Imrie +Rob McBain

C Div Chicago

Away Lineup and Pairings  Score   Score  Home Lineup and Pairings
Omer SWLJenny Firlotte
Cansin SLWRob McBain
Matthew BrookesWLElish Tait
Allan GosyneWLMack Temple
Randy Smith LWKevin Imrie
Yagmur Ozcan LWMatt Amaral

 All Stars

Away Team  All Stars   All Stars  Home Team
Wicket Dart Juicers 0 1 Darts of Hazzard

 All Star Breakdown

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All Stars

Name of Player All Star Type # Hit Throw Score
Matt Amaral130-1691136