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 Player Information

Name of Player Current Team Current Division Current Point Total Current Season
Scott Myles Black Sheep East 2 58

 Player Statistics

Category Percentage Overall Team Overall Division Overall League
Weeks Played 16 of 21 (.762) 6th 58th 128th
Total Points 58 6th 57th 125th
Total Wins 22 of 22 (1.000) 6th 59th 123rd
Doubles Cricket8 of 16 (.500)4th55th115th
Doubles 5017 of 16 (.438)5th60th130th
Singles 4015 of 9 (.556)6th60th94th
Singles 5012 of 7 (.286)5th5th66th
Mem Form N/A N/A N/A

 All Stars Summary

All Stars Type Total Hit Best/Total Score    
There have been no all stars recorded for this player.


  Current Streak Best Streak Worst Streak  
All Games2 Losses7 Undefeated11 without a win 
Doubles Cricket3 Wins5 Undefeated8 without a win 
Doubles 5011 Loss2 Undefeated6 without a win 
Singles 4011 Loss2 Undefeated4 Losses 
Singles 5012 Losses2 Undefeated4 without a win 

 Match Details & Results

Doubles Cricket

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
March 23, 2010W@ Throwers D.C.Angelo Canty + Scott Myles Vik Krikorian + Rick French
March 9, 2010W@ Screaming EaglesScott Myles + Sean Hennessey Gary Grimbleby + Art Richard
March 2, 2010W@ TorpedoesScott Myles + Angelo Canty (R) John Briber + Rick Bender
March 2, 2010L@ TorpedoesScott Myles (R) + Lee Broker Norm Service + Tom Vincent
February 23, 2010L All BlacksScott Myles + Lee Broker Alan Tremaine + Todd Merrall
February 9, 2010W DiamondbacksScott Myles + Nigel Ramsey (R) Chris Dragani (R) + Tony Gallelli (R)
January 26, 2010W Throwers D.C.Scott Myles + Angelo Canty Jeff Davis + Bill St Germaine
January 19, 2010W@ Paully's MadhouseScott Myles + Paul McKenzie James Vien + Magnus Withey
January 12, 2010W Bar ToolsScott Myles + Angelo Canty Rob Shaw + Moyra Bligh
January 5, 2010W@ TorpedoesAngelo Canty + Scott Myles John Briber + Norm Service
November 24, 2009L@ Mad Men and a LadyScott Myles + Angelo Canty Andrew Drummond + Giles Sander
November 17, 2009L High BangabilityPaul McKenzie + Scott Myles Jake Morrison + Vaughn Monague
November 10, 2009L NomadsScott Myles + Sean Hennessey Mike Toliver + Vern Lepine
November 3, 2009L@ Templehouse TerrorJohn Rutherford + Scott Myles (R) Rob Skillicorn + John Boshoff
November 3, 2009L@ Templehouse TerrorLee Broker + Scott Myles Ken McGuire + Brian McGrath
October 27, 2009L BullseyesScott Myles + Lee Broker Mike Evans + Gordy Leong
October 20, 2009L@ Brew CrewScott Myles + Lee Broker Keon Nielsen + Tim Kieley
October 13, 2009L Grave DiggersScott Myles + Lee Broker (R) Dusan Milic + Novak Zoric

Doubles 501

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
March 23, 2010L@ Throwers D.C.John Rutherford + Scott Myles Dennis Ku + Jeff Davis
March 9, 2010W@ Screaming EaglesScott Myles + Angelo Canty Jim Mckay + Bob Coulson
March 2, 2010W@ TorpedoesScott Myles + Angelo Canty John Briber + Kirstin Kidd
February 23, 2010L All BlacksScott Myles + Paul McKenzie Alan Tremaine + Steve Hawkins
February 9, 2010W DiamondbacksScott Myles + Flemming Joensen Herb Zein (R) + Leo Peddle (R)
January 26, 2010L Throwers D.C.Scott Myles + Angelo Canty John Frazer + Bill St Germaine
January 19, 2010W@ Paully's MadhouseScott Myles + Angelo Canty James Richmond + Allan M
January 19, 2010L@ Paully's MadhouseScott Myles (R) + Flemming Joensen Tom Roach + Gord Munroe
January 12, 2010W Bar ToolsAngelo Canty + Scott Myles Frank Rappoldt + Moyra Bligh
January 5, 2010W@ TorpedoesAngelo Canty + Scott Myles Cory Chandler (R) + Kirstin Kidd
November 24, 2009L@ Mad Men and a LadyScott Myles + John Rutherford Geoff Flynn + Mark Mainguy
November 17, 2009L High BangabilityScott Myles + Lee Broker Jason Bernard + Vaughn Monague
November 10, 2009L NomadsScott Myles + Nigel Ramsey Bill Neilson + Nick Holmes
November 3, 2009L@ Templehouse TerrorScott Myles + Angelo Canty Mike Walsh + Paul McCall
October 27, 2009L BullseyesScott Myles + Paul McKenzie Bill Watts + Gordy Leong
October 20, 2009L@ Brew CrewScott Myles + Paul McKenzie Joanne Alves + Dave Filchak
October 13, 2009W Grave DiggersEddy Hogan + Scott Myles Dave Dawson + Peter Morrison

Singles 401

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
March 23, 2010L@ Throwers D.C.Scott MylesJohn Frazer
March 9, 2010W@ Screaming EaglesScott MylesKeith Kinsella
March 9, 2010L@ Screaming EaglesScott MylesKen Cooper
March 2, 2010W@ TorpedoesScott MylesKirstin Kidd
February 23, 2010L All BlacksScott MylesAlan Tremaine (R)
February 23, 2010L All BlacksScott MylesAlan Tremaine
February 9, 2010L DiamondbacksScott MylesMaurice Dragani
January 26, 2010L Throwers D.C.Scott MylesDennis Ku (R)
January 26, 2010W Throwers D.C.Scott MylesJohn Frazer (R)
January 19, 2010L@ Paully's MadhouseScott MylesJames Richmond
January 12, 2010W Bar ToolsScott MylesDan Josselyn-Creighton
January 5, 2010W@ TorpedoesScott MylesNorm Service (R)

Singles 501

Date Result Against Player(s) Opposition
November 24, 2009L@ Mad Men and a LadyScott MylesGeoff Flynn
November 24, 2009L@ Mad Men and a LadyScott MylesBrian Schumacher
November 17, 2009W High BangabilityScott MylesTed Morris (R)
November 17, 2009L High BangabilityScott MylesTed Morris
November 10, 2009W NomadsScott MylesMike Toliver (R)
November 3, 2009W@ Templehouse TerrorScott MylesPaul McCall
October 27, 2009L BullseyesScott MylesBill Watts
October 20, 2009L@ Brew CrewScott MylesDave Filchak
October 20, 2009L@ Brew CrewScott MylesTim Kieley
October 13, 2009L Grave DiggersScott MylesDusan Milic

 Historic Match-ups

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 Team Mates

Doubles Cricket

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Nigel Ramsey 1.000 1 1 0
Angelo Canty .833 6 5 1
Paul McKenzie .500 2 1 1
Sean Hennessey .500 2 1 1
Lee Broker 0.000 6 0 6
John Rutherford 0.000 1 0 1

Doubles 501

Team Mate Winning Percentage Games Played Games Won Games Lost
Eddy Hogan 1.000 1 1 0
Angelo Canty .714 7 5 2
Flemming Joensen .500 2 1 1
Paul McKenzie 0.000 3 0 3
John Rutherford 0.000 2 0 2
Lee Broker 0.000 1 0 1
Nigel Ramsey 0.000 1 0 1
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